Warsaw Workshop “Training on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Facilities”

September 2-5, 2019 - Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Workshop Group Photo



This Workshop was the first educational workshop organised within the framework of the NARSIS project and was structured with a Summer School-type format targeting students and young researchers. Its aim was to introduce the State-of-the-Art PSA methods and tools dedicated for nuclear installations by providing background and understanding of modern PSA approach. Its main objectives were (i) to reinforce the concepts involved in nuclear safety and (ii) to contribute to a growing awareness on the current needs for improved nuclear safety.


The workshop was well attended with 63 participants from 13 different nations including 30 students, 15 professionals, 15 speakers/organizers and 3 external speakers.


to the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association for providing 20 grants from the ENEN+ Project to students and young researchers. This funding played an important role in the success of the workshop.  

The ENEN+ Project aims to substantially contribute to the revival of the interest of young generations in the careers in nuclear sector. Please visit their website for more information.


Dernière mise à jour le 12.10.2020