09/04/2021 NARSIS Second Training Workshop on "Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Facilities" April 9th & 12th, 2021 - 100% Digital Training Materials: Multi-Hazard framework (WP1): Concepts & Exercises Fragility (WP2): Theory & Exercises Risk integration (WP3): Tutorials on Bayesian Networks Exercises on Bayesian Networks with Netica tool Multi-Hazard Level2-PSA with Sapphire Severe Accident Management (WP5): demonstration of Severa, a new supporting decision-making tool Attachments wp1_multi-hazards.zip wp2_fragility-functions.zip wp3_video_bayesian-networks.zip wp3_multi-hazard_psa_using_saphire_fault_trees.zip wp3_exercices-with-netica.zip wp5_severe-acc-management.zip Dernière mise à jour le 02.07.2022