4th PETRUS-ANNETTE PhD Conference
24 to 30 June 2018 TURKU-Finland
Hosted by Aalto University
Dedicated to: Radioactive Waste Management and Geological Disposal
This fourth event is co-organized within the PETRUS initiative (Programme for Education, Training and Research on Underground Storage) in collaboration with the ANNETTE Summer School (https://annettesummerschool.org/ )
The conference consists of two main components:
- A set of high quality lectures on nuclear issues presented by outstanding international experts.
- Oral presentation of on-going research work by participants.
The best presentations will be rewarded.
We would like to invite PhD students and early-stage researchers who are involved in any aspects of radioactive waste research to submit an extended abstract of 3-4 pages.
We welcome also research subjects from the social and economic areas related to the radioactive waste management.
The working language of the conference is English.
Participation in PETRUS-ANNETTE PhD Conference 2018 is free of charge. Selected PhD students for oral presentation are eligible for ENEN PLUS special grant provision.
Registration, abstract submission, and grant request are available at:
Dernière mise à jour le 27.02.2018