ANNETTESummer School


ANNETTE Summer School

The ANNETTE Summer School on Nuclear Technology, Nuclear Waste Management and Radiation Protection will take place on 24-30 June 2018 in Turku, Finland.

Participants will be introduced to the multi-disciplinary present and future challenges in three core topics in present-day nuclear power production, Gen-IV nuclear power production, fusion and medical applications. The aim is to compare the similarities and differences in the challenges.

The Summer School is targeted to young professionals, master students and doctoral students in these fields, both in industry, government, regulatory bodies, research centres and universities. A prerequisite is a BSc-level degree related with any of the Summer School topics.

There is a maximum of about 20 participants per track and the total number of participants is limited to 60. To promote and stimulate the multi-disciplinary nature of the Summer School, the Steering Committee will take into account the background of the candidates and participation from all covered disciplines will be striven for.

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Dernière mise à jour le 27.02.2018